Reconstruction after mastectomy

Reconstruction after mastectomy is always possible if the patient wishes. It can be immediate or delayed. Different techniques are possible and must be discussed on a case-by-case basis.

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La reconstruction mammaire après une masectomie (technique) | Paris | L'Institut Du Sein
Poitrine ayant subi reconstruction implant et listing institut du sein paris

Reconstruction by prosthesis

In both immediate and delayed reconstruction, prosthesis placement is the most common technique.

Excedent cutaneo-graisseux utilise en reconstruction mammaire par lambeau de grand dorsal institut du sein paris

Reconstruction by latissimus dorsi muscle flap

The breast is reconstructed using a flap made up of the excess skin and fat of the back and part of the large dorsal muscle. This is a very reliable technique.

Un ventre de femme en attente de transfert du tissus pour reconstruction mammaire par DIEP a l'institut du sein paris

Reconstruction with DIEP and other free flaps

Free flaps involve transferring tissue from one part of your body to another using microsurgery. They give very natural results. The most commonly used flap is the abdominal flap (DIEP).

Seringue utiliser pour transfert de graisse d'une part a l'autre lors d'un lipofilling Institut du sein paris

Lipofilling in reconstruction

Lipofilling is a major tool to improve the results of a reconstruction. More than 7000 Lipofillings have been performed at Paris Breast Center.

Seringues Utiliser pour transfert de graisse lors d'un lipofilling exclusive Institut du sein paris

Exclusive lipofilling

Reconstruction by exclusive lipofilling is sometimes possible. It requires several procedures and sufficient fat to be collected.

Image montrant un sein apres reconstruction de l'areole et le mamelon institut du sein paris

Areola and nipple

Reconstruction of the areola and nipple is the final step in breast reconstruction. There are several techniques: the most frequently used are a tattoo for the areola and a graft for the nipple.

Poitrine apres amelioration et reconstruction institut du sein paris

Improvement of your reconstruction

In the event of an unsatisfactory result, an improvement is always possible, even long afterwards. Paris Breast Center is an expert center for breast reconstruction. We can transform the results of your reconstruction.

Poitrine Ameliorer avec une reconstriction dans le temps insitut du sein paris

Your reconstruction in time

There are many different techniques for breast reconstruction. Their results evolve over time and with weight variations. A touch-up, often simple, can correct the changes induced by time.

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