Physician: being useful

Interview in July 2018

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Physician: being useful

Krishna Clough

To go to a patient after her surgery and say, “You don’t have cancer anymore,” and to see her smile in the evening when you come to visit, even though she knows, and you know, that there is a possibility that this cancer could come back one day, to say to her, “You don’t have cancer anymore,” is a very strong moment of relationship with the patient. It’s not adrenaline, it’s a very different drug, which is the drug of feeling like you’re helping.

Mahasti Sagatchian

You realize when you go home that you have been useful, that you have done good, that you have taken care of important things. This satisfaction of taking care of important things, of helping people, of even saving lives, is absolutely great.

Krishna Clough

When you have a woman who has had both her breasts removed, 9 months of chemotherapy and who comes to see you 3 years later with her baby, you say to yourself: we did well to be there…

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